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LNG short-term webinar: September 2022
In less than a month, European TTF prices have fallen 60% to around $50/mmbtu. With healthy storage levels, the European market is better prepared ...
LNG: 2016 in review
In 2016, a wall of LNG came online – 8 trains, with capacity of 34 mmtpa were commissioned – in Australia, the US and Malaysia. However, growth in ...
LNG: 2022 in review
LNG was thrust into the mainstream during 2022, grabbing headlines and the attention of some of the world’s most senior figures. It became more val...
New LNG Supply - how will it be affected by changing investment priorities
Delivered at our Global Energy Summit – Focus Week: Gas & LNG, on 5 October 2021, this presentation focuses on the dilemmas faced by investors in n...
Sengkang LNG - Commercial overview
The Sengkang LNG project in Indonesia is a 1-train LNG development that will be operated by Energy World Corporation. The Sengkang LNG commercial o...
Sergipe LNG - LNG regas terminal
Sergipe LNG is the floating offshore storage and regasification unit (FSRU) of Porto do Sergipe I, Brazil's first private-sector LNG-to-power proje...
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