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LNG reports
Cameroon LNG
Wood Mackenzie understands Engie has postponed its plans to develop the Cameroon LNG project, mostly due to challenging market conditions. The anal...
Douglas Channel LNG - Commercial Overview
The Douglas Channel LNG project in Canada is a 1-train LNG development operated by Exmar. The Douglas Channel LNG commercial overview outlines the ...
LNG short-term webinar: April 2022
LNG discounts heavily to European markets as pipelines constrain imports. European gas prices remain volatile but have been gradually trending down...
LNG short-term webinar: December 2021
As 2021 draws to a close, there appears to be no let-up in the extreme price volatility that characterized much of the year to date. Looking to 202...
LNG short-term webinar: January 2022
High LNG flows into Europe, charter rates at multi-year lows, negative Asian arb – all factors point to a very different start to the new year. How...
LNG short-term webinar: October 2022
Since September, European TTF month-ahead prices have fallen from above $60 to around $30 per mmbtu – and even more sharply on the day-ahead. The m...
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