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Europe calls for more US LNG supply
On 25 March, the United States and the European Commission announced plans for a joint Task Force on Energy Security, with the goal of reducing Eur...
Atlantic LNG - Project Summary
Atlantic LNG is Trinidad's largest user of gas, exporting roughly half the country's total production of about 3 bcfd in 2020. LNG is exported pred...
Atlantic LNG - Train 1
The Atlantic LNG Train 1 project in Trinidad and Tobago is a 1-train LNG development operated by Atlantic LNG. The Atlantic LNG Train 1commercial o...
Atlantic LNG - Train 2 & 3
The Atlantic LNG 2&3 in Trinidad and Tobago is a 2-train LNG development operated by Atlantic LNG. The ALNG 2& 3 commercial overview outlines the p...
For sale: fixed price LNG
A challenge for LNG fixed pricing offers is the current oil and LNG price outlook. Several Asian LNG buyers have highlighted the a fixed price offe...
Far East LNG
Far East LNG is a 6.2 mmtpa liquefaction project proposed in De-Kastri (Russia's Far East). It is supposed to receive its gas from the Sakhalin-1 l...
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