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Coronavirus and polymers - highlight on PET resin
The world is different, now. The plastics industry was bright-eyed and optimistic heading in to the new decade. The protracted trade war between th...
Paper vs plastic: breaking down the debate in flexible packaging sustainability
Like many other major plastics applications, plastics use in flexible packaging has come under deep scrutiny in recent years as sustainability conc...
Cash and Chemicals - Impact of demonetisation on India's petrochemical industry
On November 8, Indian prime minister Narendra Modi shocked the financial system of the country when he announced the demonetisation of high denomin...
Polyolefins markets: 5 features to look for in 2022
Polyolefins markets were strong in 2021, supported by a global economic recovery, a drive towards ‘back to normal’ following the coronavirus impact...
Superfund excise tax: Implications across the ethylene value chain
As of 1 July 2022, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA, Public Law 117-58) reinstated the Superfund excise tax imposed on the producti...
EPCA 2017: 5 key olefins market discussion points from Berlin
PCI Wood Mackenzie was delighted to participate in this year's EPCA (European Petrochemical Association) Conference held in Berlin. My reflection o...
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