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Wanted: chemicals investment in Canada; reward: $500 million
The Alberta, Canada government is trying to grow the petrochemical sector, create jobs and diversify the local economy beyond the local energy sect...
Watching for signs of a wild ride in the energy & petrochemicals industry
On March 27, 2017, Steve Zinger provided a keynote presentation at a recent industry event in San Antonio, Texas. The meeting was attended by over ...
Webinar: Global benzene and styrene markets: new perspectives on overinvestments
While massive capacity expansions across the global benzene and styrene value chain are projected to deteriorate industry margins, recovering econo...
Webinar: MEG market in a $100/bbl world
Following the step rise in brent crude and natural gas prices globally, regional production of glycol has shifted in early 2022. Increased upstream...
Polymer Demand: A Sectoral Outlook
As sustainability and circularity becomes fundamental to the future of the polymers industry, traditional plastic demand end-use applications are f...
Polymer impact of textile and apparel reuse
Reduce, reuse, recycle is a well-known mantra. Most commonly, it is thought of with reference to plastic packaging, and the battle against unsustai...
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