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Canadian LPG exports - well positioned to grow from here on out
With drilling activity in the WCSB expected to grow in liquid rich acreages, the supply of Canadian NGLs is also set to follow a similar trajectory...
China gas and power in brief 2021
Our China gas and power in brief is a rolling coverage of events as they happen in gas and power markets. We add commentary on stories as they brea...
China gas and power month in brief: April 2016
Is Chinese gas demand now on a sustained recovery from the low levels of growth seen in late 2014 and 2015? The key word here is 'sustained'. Deman...
China gas and power month in brief: August 2016
China's gas demand was disappointing again in July. However, while headline growth was 2.3% the real story was the dramatic drop in LNG imports and...
China gas and power month in brief: May 2016
More positive news for Chinese gas demand with April's (unofficial) data showing further growth, indicating a sustained recovery may be underway. I...
China gas and power month in brief: Surging gas demand and the US$1 trillion story
The efforts China has made to nurture its gas market are bearing some fruit – gas demand grew by 22% year-on-year in April, driven by a continual p...
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