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Oil and gas markets reports
US NGL Infrastructure Databank - June 2023
This report tracks existing and planned NGL infrastructure including gas processing facilities, fractionation, NGL pipelines, and NGL export capaci...
What if Russian piped gas came back to Europe? A scenario analysis.
Europe is at the point of no return concerning large-scale Russian piped gas imports. In our base case, we assume that only a handful of countries ...
A materials challenge ahead? Implications of the US EPA proposal for light-duty vehicle emission targets
The US EPA has proposed ambitious regulations to tighten emissions standards for light duty vehicles for model years 2027 – 2032. The EPA projects ...
Webinar: Macro Oils strategic planning outlook
The macro oils team hosted a webinar on Thursday 18 May to present their latest Macro Oils strategic planning outlook to 2050. Our senior experts, ...
US NGL Infrastructure Databank - May 2023
This report tracks existing and planned NGL infrastructure including gas processing facilities, fractionation, NGL pipelines, and NGL export capaci...
US NGL Infrastructure Databank - April 2023
This report tracks existing and planned NGL infrastructure including gas processing facilities, fractionation, NGL pipelines, and NGL export capaci...
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