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Cleeton Area
The Cleeton Area comprises four oil and gas/condensate field groupings: Ceres & Eris, Cleeton & Ravenspurn South, Easington Catchment Area (ECA), a...
Marlim Leste Area
Marlim Leste is a medium-sized, deepwater oil and gas field located to the east of the giant Marlim field. It is part of the Marlim cluster, which ...
Block 6 fields
Eni, in partnership with TotalEnergies, operates several giant undeveloped gas fields on Block 6 in the ultra-deep waters of Cyprus' East Mediterra...
Tourmaline Oil Alberta
Tourmaline Oil is a crude oil and natural gas exploration and production company. Tourmaline initiated operations in late-2008 and completed its in...
Chevron operates the giant undeveloped Aphrodite gas field in the ultra-deep waters of Cyprus' East Mediterranean sector. The deposit was discovere...
Shurtan Area
State-owned Uzbekneftegaz (UNG) operates the Shurtan Area, which is centred on the giant, albeit mature, Shurtan gas field and related gas processi...
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