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Cliff Head
Cliff Head was a commercial oil discovery in the offshore Perth Basin. The Final Investment Decision (FID) was taken on 14 March 2005, with constru...
YPFB Andina Operated Areas
YPFB Andina operates a range of assets across the Tarija basin in Bolivia. This analysis covers only its operated assets and does not include non-o...
Marlim Sul Area
Marlim Sul is one of Brazil's largest producing assets in the Campos basin. The field is far larger in areal extent than Marlim, but recoverable re...
Gazli Area (Uzbekneftegaz)
State-owned Uzbekneftegaz (UNG) operates the Gazli Area, comprising the Gazli underground gas storage facility (UGS) and surrounding gas fields. Th...
Marlim Leste Area
Marlim Leste is a medium-sized, deepwater oil and gas field located to the east of the giant Marlim field. It is part of the Marlim cluster, which ...
La Amarga Chica
La Amarga Chica is in the oil window of the Vaca Muerta shale. The agreement between YPF and PETRONAS, signed in late 2014, was one of the first Va...
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