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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends reports
Q4 2016 Global economy: US resurgence, China resilience, Brexit defiance
After a difficult start to the year, the global economy has strengthened in the second half of 2016. A number of shocks hit the global economy stem...
Policy vs. fundamentals: Outlook for China’s property market and related metals demand
China's property market has been impacted not only by sector-specific policies, but also other policies to remove industrial overcapacity and upgra...
India's landmark reform: How the GST will impact the energy sector and GDP
After a 13-year-long journey, India's Goods and Services Tax (GST) bill was finally passed by the Indian Parliament in early August. This paves the...
EMEARC economic outlook H1 2018: full steam ahead or running out of steam?
In this Insight we assess the economic outlook for economies in the EMEARC region to 2040. Europe is on a good run of economic growth hitting a 10-...
How long can Middle East governments withstand low oil prices?
This Insight presents our estimates of ‘fiscal breakevens’ for the major oil producing economies of the Middle East – Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Ara...
H1 2016 GDP downgrade explained: India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico
Wood Mackenzie has cut its global GDP outlook to 2035. China, India and the US sit at the heart of this downgrade. India's GDP growth is forecast t...
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