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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends reports
Congo: Why the conflict in the Pool region matters
Wood Mackenzie's sister company, Verisk Maplecroft, examines the latest developments in the Republic of Congo. President Dénis Sassou-Nguesso’s con...
Coronavirus impact briefing: week ending 22 May
Energy and natural resources sectors are having to deal with the combined forces of the coronavirus pandemic, the oil price crash and an impending ...
Gabon: How will IMF aid impact the investment environment?
Wood Mackenzie's sister company, Verisk Maplecroft, examines the latest economic developments in Gabon. The IMF has concluded a 3-year aid programm...
Data: The beginning of the end for European industry?
European industrial output is currently unchanged from its 2000 level. Languishing 9% below its pre-crisis peak, we assess whether this is the begi...
China economic focus October 2021: what’s next after power rationing?
Power rationing has impacted China’s economic growth since mid-September. We expect that constraints on power supply to persist before the end of t...
China economic focus September 2022: the 20th party congress - prioritising self-reliance and stability
The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC congress) will be held on 16 October. We expect the 20th CPC congress to emphasise ...
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