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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends reports
Global economic outlook Q1 2023: turning point approaching
The outlook for the global economy is improving. We don’t anticipate a synchronised global recession this year. But we do expect the economic slowd...
Global economic outlook Q2 2018: how far will growth fall?
The global economy entered 2018 on a high, but momentum has since waned. We expect the wobbles in early 2018 to be short lived. A full-blown trade ...
Global economic outlook Q2 2021: recovery takes off
The global economic recovery is set to take off with growth of 5% this year after the pandemic-induced 3.8% contraction in 2020. Consequently, glob...
Global Energy Risk Tracker H1 2014
The energy industry continues to be challenged with ever more complexity and uncertainty. Built on our strategic analysis and commodity forecasts a...
Global GDP data Q2 2021
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (constant 2010 US$) and GDP growth to the year 2050 by country for the world. Forecasts are updated on a q...
Global GDP data Q3 2015
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (US$) and GDP growth to the year 2035 for 196 economies. Forecasts are updated on a quarterly basis. This ...
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