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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends reports
Global economic outlook Q2 2023: improving outlook defies rising downside risks
The outlook for the global economy is improving but growth remains soft this year. Services are driving the global recovery while manufacturing is ...
China economic focus April 2023: a lacklustre recovery for industry
The industry sector and related commodity demand had a weak Q1 despite solid GDP growth. A strong industrial production rebound could be delayed to...
Global GDP data Q2 2022
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (constant 2010 US$) and GDP growth to the year 2050 by country for the world. Forecasts are updated on a q...
Global Industrial Production data Q2 2022
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual Industrial Production (IP) indices to the year 2050 for 68 key economies. Forecasts are updated on a quarterly basi...
China economic focus March 2023: time for changes
The new government in China needs to issue new policies to accelerate economic recovery. However, the lower-than-expected 5% GDP target signals tha...
Global exchange rate outlook Q2 2022
Exchange rates have a critical impact on the cost structure of the resource industry. To improve clarity on the macroeconomic forecasts that underp...
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