Russia and the Caspian outlook reports
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Russia and the Caspian outlook reports
Samotlorskoye Satellites
This report covers several small fields operated by Nizhnevartovskoye Neftegazodobyvayushcheye Predpriyatiye (Nizhnevartovk NP). The fields lie wit...
This analysis covers Central Khoreiver project operated by the Rusvietpetro joint venture between Zarubezhneft and PetroVietnam.The largest fields ...
Norilsk Gas Fields
This analysis covers four brownfield assets: Messoyakhskoye, North Soleninskoye, South Soleninskoye and Pelyatkinskoye. Fields are owned by Norilsk...
Global product markets short-term outlook August 2022
This monthly update incorporates four global commodity market reports; Global refining, Global light ends & gasoline, Global middle distillate, and...
South Russkoye
The giant South Russkoye gas field lies in the Yamal-Nenets region of West Siberia, approximately 80 kilometres southeast of the Zapolyarnoye field...
Kynsko-Chasel Fields
The Kynsko-Chasel group comprises of seven gas greenfields with significant gas volumes that are at the northernmost limit of the oil-bearing zone ...
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