North America outlook reports
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North America outlook reports
Cenovus Energy Saskatchewan
Cenovus Energy was formed through a corporate reorganisation of Encana, in which two separate companies were created. The split was completed 30 No...
Parsons Lake
Participation in the Parsons Lake gas field is split by ExxonMobil (25%), and the operator ConocoPhillips (75%). It is the second largest of the th...
Morenci copper minesite
Freeport-McMoran's Morenci operations in Arizona USA consists of open pit mining, two conventional mill and flotation processing plants, several Sx...
The Ayatsil, Tekel and Utsil fields are located in the Sound of Campeche, about 130 kilometres northwest of Ciudad del Carmen. Given the geographic...
NYMEX sensitivity case developed from the Mexico gas, power, and renewables base case
This “NYMEX” case represents the use of the New York Mercantile Exchange futures gas prices and the impact on Mexico’s power sector long-term outlo...
Central GoM ceased fields
This analysis highlights selected fields that have ceased production in the Outer Continental Shelf Central Gulf of Mexico planning area in water d...
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