North America outlook reports
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North America outlook reports
Permian Bone Spring Key Play
The Bone Spring is one of the most productive oil plays in the Lower 48, and economics are competitive with parts of the underlying Wolfcamp. Activ...
Global product markets short-term outlook September 2023
This monthly update incorporates four global commodity market reports; Global refining, Global light ends & gasoline, Global middle distillate, and...
North American NGL Infrastructure Databank - November 2023
This report tracks existing and planned NGL infrastructure including gas processing facilities, fractionation, NGL pipelines, and NGL export capaci...
Regional product markets short-term outlook September 2023
This update incorporates all of the regional crude runs and product-by-product supply-demand balances through to end-2025 on a regional level. For ...
Lower 48 long-term oil and gas supply outlook: H1 2024
Significant new drilling will be needed to offset base production declines and meet growing demand. By the early 2030s, the Lower 48 will add 10 mi...
Marcellus Key Play
The Marcellus leads the Lower 48 in natural gas production and plays a pivotal role in the US natural gas landscape. Operator response to low prici...
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