Latin America and the Caribbean outlook reports
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Latin America and the Caribbean outlook reports
Chuquicamata copper minesite
After 100 years of continued operation, the key issue facing the Chuquicamata Division is that of replacing depleting open pit reserves. To replace...
Pronico (Fenix) nickel operation
Hudbay sold the Fenix project to the Solway Group in 2011. Solway agreed to pay the company $140M in cash at the closing of the deal, and $30M afte...
Peru upstream summary
Oil production mainly comes from the northern part of the country, while gas is produced in the south. Historically, most production came from the ...
Yanacocha gold mine
Yanacocha was the first modern major gold mine to be developed in Peru and currently has multiple active open pits. All are expected to conclude in...
El Dorado
El Dorado is a modest-sized gas field, located on the western edge of the Chaco Plains. Although discovered by Pan American Energy in 1999, the fie...
Atacocha zinc mine
Atacocha operates two mines, the underground Atacocha mine and the San Gerardo open pit mine. The underground mine has used mechanised overhand cut...
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