Australia and New Zealand outlook reports
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Australia and New Zealand outlook reports
Australia LNG - could expansion be on the cards?
Following last year's sanctioning of Scarborough and Pluto Train 2, we pondered: was that the last big LNG investment in Australia? Market conditio...
Australia offshore ceased fields
This analysis gives a brief description of Australian offshore fields that have ceased producing hydrocarbons.
Australia’s winter energy crisis: a chilly wake-up call for the East Coast gas industry
East Coast Australia kicked off winter 2022 with an early cold snap and unprecedented energy crisis. Gas, coal and electricity prices sky rocketed....
Australia's LNG and east coast gas wars – an industry under fire
In this presentation delivered to the APPEA conference in Adelaide, Saul Kavonic provides an overview of Australia's LNG landscape, and highlights ...
Clarence Moreton CBM unconventional play
This report has been moved to inactive as of February, the last CBM activity in the Clarence-Moreton basin occurred in 2013. These reports will no ...
Coal asset report - Alpha coal mine - May 2022
Alpha is one of several large export thermal coal projects being proposed in Queensland's Galilee Basin. The coal tenements lie approximately 420 k...
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