Australia and New Zealand outlook reports
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Australia and New Zealand outlook reports
Ashburton Hub iron ore mine
The Mineral Resources Ashburton Hub project has been redesigned to reflect the acquisition of Red Hill Iron’s 40% stake in the RHIOJV in July 2021....
Browse LNG - upstream
The Browse project comprises the Torosa, Brecknock and Calliance gas/condensate fields. They lie in the Browse Basin, 425 kilometres north of Broom...
Byerwen Phase 1 coal mine
Byerwen is a surface coal mine, which started production towards the end of 2017. The mine produces metallurgical and thermal coal for the export m...
Collinsville coal mine
Collinsville is a thermal and metallurgical coal mine in the northern Bowen Basin and is part of the Newlands - Collinsville - Abbot Point Joint Ve...
Plutonic Gold Mine
Operating since 1990, the Plutonic Gold Mine is located in the Archaean Plutonic Marymia Greenstone Belt, 800 kilometres northeast of Perth, and ha...
Bulga coal mine
Bulga is a large scale surface operation producing primarily thermal coal for export markets. The mine is located 12 kilometres south west of Singl...
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