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Chemicals reports
Cross-polymer demand: introducing a new demand framework
A new forecasting approach is necessary. In this, the first of our cross-polymer insights, we proudly showcase our newly developed cross-polymer de...
How 3 key trends are reshaping China's olefin industry
China is diversifying its ethylene production by technology, feedstock and ownership. Thanks to massive investment, the country’s ethylene self-suf...
How can Indonesia capitalise on its growth potential in chemicals?
Chemical demand growth outpaces oil demand growth into traditional sectors, eventually driving future oil demand growth. How does this impact Indon...
Hurricane Laura’s impact on North America’s EOEG industry
Hurricane Laura made landfall in southwest Louisiana early on the morning of Thursday 27 August. With a number of chemical and refinery manufacturi...
GASping for breath
In this insight, we analyze the impact of strongly increased gas prices in Europe on the chemistry industry in the region. We discuss the importanc...
Europe Propylene: USA or UAE to help close the monomer supply gap?
The European “supply gap” for propylene monomer started to develop in 2017. At the same point in time, many market participants in Europe were look...
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