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Oil and gas markets reports
The Ethane Market: Rejection in the Front, Party in the Back
Ethane prices saw impressive strength in May and June, increasing 4cpg on average across the curve when compared to March and April. Strength in pr...
Southeast Asia market snapshot May-June 2017: the issues facing emerging LNG importers
Key highlights of the May-June 2017 issue: • What are the issues facing emerging LNG importers? The arrival and growing share of LNG in the region ...
Energy crisis: Impact on European gas markets (19 Nov)
Non-power demand is on the rise, LNG sendout has stepped up significantly, more Russian gas is arriving into Europe and withdrawal season is in ful...
New England markets: the peak day problem
The New England gas market features the largest seasonal price swing in North America. Gas pipeline capacity into the area is limited and while it ...
The midstream Permania: Permian NGLs growth, risks & constraints
The interest in developing Permian midstream infrastructure does not seem to wane. Forty-five new processing plants will have been added in the Per...
The stampede returns: WCSB takeaway concerns resurface
WCSB natural gas production is projected to expand by 2-3 bcfd and rocket to over 19 bcfd in the next two years. Can domestic demand and export cap...
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