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Oil and gas markets reports
Energy crisis: Impact on European gas markets
With Europe facing an energy crisis that could further exacerbate through a cold winter, we will be publishing a fortnight report to monitor daily ...
Energy crisis: Impact on European gas markets (03 Mar)
European balances have eased following another record month of LNG imports and Russian flows have stepped up. Storage inventories have now re-enter...
Energy crisis: Impact on European gas markets (10 Feb)
Europe imported record-breaking volumes of LNG in January, and more than Russian pipeline gas for the first time. LNG sendout is falling in Februar...
Energy crisis: Impact on European gas markets (17 Dec)
Record-breaking gas prices reflect market volatility and uncertainty this early into winter. Though Russian flows and LNG imports are up month-on-m...
High Northeast gas prices: Here today, gone tomorrow?
After years of trading at less than $2/mmbtu, Northeast gas prices have finally rallied—and reconnected with the broader market. About 1.5 bcfd of ...
How could TransCanada's new 10-year toll reshape prices, production and flows across North American gas markets?
TCPL's proposed 10-year toll is tailored to Canadian producers to combat concerns around takeaway capacity, but will producers be able to justify t...
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