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Metals markets reports
China wants to decarbonise steel – is that possible?
China is mobilising its massive steel industry toward carbon neutrality by 2060. There are questions about just how realistic and effective its dec...
How is China’s nickel industry performing under the power crunch?
In the past, power shortages in China have seldom affected domestic nickel operations; yet a recent wave of forced power cuts in certain heavy indu...
Streaming in iron ore: a sign of the future?
During 2016, there has been on-going media speculation that Vale, the world's biggest iron ore miner, was considering a US$10 billion iron ore stre...
Major diversified miners: where is the risk?
To understand the relative risk exposure of the major diversified mining companies, we have combined Wood Mackenzie’s Metal and Mining Tool's corpo...
(R)evolution of Chinese trade in aluminium
In this insight we look more closely at Chinese aluminium semis export data and investigate the impact of Chinese trade in aluminium on regions, co...
A critical analysis of zinc mine projects
Growing zinc demand and the loss of mine production due to closures and attrition create a requirement for new mine production capability of 4Mt/a ...
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