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Copper Mine Projects - Status Update Q2 2016
The latest update to our copper mine project database is now available for download. A summary is provided of significant capital cost announcement...
Copper Mine Projects - Status Update Q3 2016
The latest update to our copper mine project database is now available for download. A summary is provided of significant capital cost announcement...
Iron ore time spreads support spot prices
The 62% Fe iron ore index has averaged $140/t so far this year. We have just raised our CY 2022 price forecast by 50% to $135/t CFR in our latest G...
Is China's 13th five-year plan gold production target achievable?
Chinese gold production has risen steadily over the past three decades, and has doubled in the past 10 years. China overtook South Africa as the wo...
Is Huoshaoyun to be the next major zinc mine?
The Huoshaoyun zinc and lead deposit in Xinjiang province is reported to be the largest of its kind discovered in China in recent years. Recent med...
How does the aluminium industry fit in a carbon neutral China?
President Xi Jinping announced to the 2020 UN General Assembly that China will aim to hit peak carbon emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality b...
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