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Metals costs reports
Minorca iron ore mine
Minorca is a surface mine owned and operated by Cleveland-Cliffs located in Minnesota's Mesabi Iron Range, near the town of Virginia. The operation...
Chuquicamata copper refinery
Located at Chuquicamata, near Calama in northern Chile the refinery has good road and rail links. The capacity of the refinery is 760kt/a of anodes...
Baotou Huading copper refinery
Baotou Huading refinery is integrated with Baotou Huading smelter, operated by Baotou Huading Copper Industry Development Co., Ltd, which is locate...
Baotou Huading copper smelter
Baotou Huading smelter is operated by Baotou Huading Copper Industry Development Co., Ltd, which is located southeast of Baotou City, Inner Mongoli...
Chifeng Yunnan copper refinery
Chifeng Yunnan Copper refinery is a replacement for the old Chifeng Jinfeng copper refinery. The refinery was relocated to the Copper Industry Park...
Glogow I copper refinery
The Glogow I refinery was commissioned as a state enterprise in 1971 to treat anodes from the Glogow I smelter commissioned at the same time, and w...
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