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Metals costs reports
Yunnan (Kunming) copper smelter
The Yunnan Copper Smelter was constructed in 1958 as an electric furnace smelter with nominal capacity of 60kt/a and was commissioned in 1960. By i...
Zijin (Shanghang) copper refinery
Zijin Copper is located in Shanghang County, 220km northwest Xiamen city, Fujian province. A railway special line mainly for copper smelting projec...
Zijin (Shanghang) copper smelter
Zijin Copper is located in Shanghang County, 220km northwest Xiamen city, Fujian province. A special railway line for smelter was opened in January...
ZTS Yuanqu copper smelter
Yuanqu copper smelter was started in the early 1970s, one of the most antique copper smelters in Shanxi province, northern China. The smelter is op...
Palabora copper smelter
The Palabora smelter was commissioned in 1966 as a conventional green feed reverberatory furnace smelter. In 1987 a Contop cyclone smelting unit wa...
Kyshtym copper refinery
The company was founded in 1757 for the production of iron bars. In 1908 it changed its business to the production of electrolytically refined copp...
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