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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends reports
Global economic outlook Q1 2024: maintaining momentum
The global economy surprised to the upside in 2023. After a soft start to 2024, we forecast the global economy to grow at a decent clip again this ...
Global Industrial Production data Q3 2023
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual Industrial Production (IP) indices to the year 2050 for 68 key economies. Forecasts are updated on a quarterly basi...
Global GDP data Q3 2023
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (constant 2015 US$) and GDP growth to the year 2050 by country for the world. Forecasts are updated on a q...
Beyond 2030: what the EU's decarbonisation roadmap means for its low-carbon economy
The EU published a raft of recommendations and initiatives in early February that aim to rewrite the bloc's roadmap for decarbonisation. Here, we a...
Global inflation outlook Q3 2023
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual consumer price inflation (CPI) for selected economies to the year 2065. Forecasts are updated on a quarterly basis....
Global exchange rate outlook Q3 2023
Exchange rates have a critical impact on the cost structure of the resource industry. To improve clarity on the macroeconomic forecasts that underp...
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