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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends reports
Trade wars: US and China
US trade policy has been quiet since President Trump withdrew from the TPP in late January. That could all change, following the confirmation of Co...
Winning Strategies for Oil Producers Dec 2017
Whilst peak oil demand is not Wood Mackenzie’s base case outlook, the disruptive impact of technology in mobility means that it is a distinct possi...
China's commodity markets: 5 things to look for in 2017
With the Chinese New Year holiday behind us, we are looking ahead to what the year of the rooster could have in store for China's commodity markets...
Fiscal competitiveness: when $50 is only $25
Companies are preserving capital and high grading opportunities as they work to reduce breakevens on new projects. Only the lowest cost and highest...
Electric vehicle sales to vault over 6 million in 2021
The first half of 2021 set a record for EV sales, with over 2.3 million units sold globally. China led the BEV market with its low cost, short-rang...
Vietnam economic outlook Q2 2015
Vietnam enjoyed robust growth in the past three decades, due to its successful adoption of market reforms and integration into the world economy. G...
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