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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends reports
Jiangsu economic outlook: H1 2015
China’s second largest provincial economy, Jiangsu is also one of China’s most wealthy provinces in terms of GDP per capita. Its economy benefits f...
Millennials vs Baby Boomers: why US consumption growth will remain stubbornly low
To understand the US consumer you must understand US demographics. Two generations dominate US population – the ‘Baby Boomers’ and the 'Millennials...
Security in a post-FARC Colombia
The announcement of a bilateral ceasefire on 23 June between Colombia's Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC) and the government suggests that a peace ...
Gabon: Bongo retains power
Verisk Maplecroft believes that President Ali Bongo is fairly well-placed to retain power, despite his government being shaken by an unprecedented ...
Q3 2016 China construction outlook: More room for growth?
China's construction sector is paramount in metals demand, accounting for 20% of global steel demand, 14% of global aluminum demand, and 11% of glo...
Mexico braces for economic fallout of a Trump presidency
The Mexican economy would bear the full brunt of the incoming Donald Trump administration should the new US president act on campaign promises to t...
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