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LNG short-term webinar: February 2025
European TTF prices saw a continued rise at the start of the month but dropped sharply after peaking in mid-February, driven by milder weather and ...
Joetsu (Naoetsu) - LNG regas terminal
INPEX's Naoetsu regasification facility is located in Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture, in north-western Japan, and shares an import terminal with C...
Joetsu - LNG regas terminal
Construction work at the Joetsu terminal started in April 2007. The terminal received its commissioning cargo in October 2011 from Indonesia. In Fe...
SPEC LNG Terminal
In February 2014, Grupo Termico (a thermal power group comprised of the three power plant offtakers with capacity at SPEC) selected the Sociedad Po...
Engro Elengy - LNG regas terminal
The Engro Elengy terminal is Pakistan's first LNG regas terminal. Operated by Engro Elengy Terminal Limited (ETPL), a subsidiary of the Engro Corpo...
Singapore - LNG regas terminal
In 2013, the Singapore LNG terminal procured its first LNG cargo from Qatargas, becoming Asia's first open-access, multi-user LNG terminal. The ter...
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