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Downstream oil refining reports
IMO 2050 Outlook for global marine fuels
This insight presents our base case outlook for marine fuels to 2050 and explores some of the emerging issues as the International Maritime Organis...
Global product markets short-term outlook February 2024
This monthly update incorporates four global commodity market reports; Global refining, Global light ends & gasoline, Global middle distillate, and...
Refiners' emissions performance
The refining industry ranks as the third largest contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from stationary sources, placing it at the ce...
Australia retail fuels long-term outlook
While gasoline-engine vehicles retain dominant position till 2040. The combined share of electric and hybrid vehicles is expected to reach around 5...
Oil products price forecast update February 2024
The excel files associated with this report provide an update to our short-term products prices and margins forecasts. Prices and margins for Febru...
Regional product markets short-term outlook February 2024
This update incorporates all of the regional crude runs and product-by-product supply-demand balances through to end-2025 on a regional level. Janu...
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