
US LNG exports: upping the upstream ante

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Our Upstream & LNG research teams sat down to explore the E&P portion of US LNG exports. What options will shale producers have to gain exposure to higher-priced global markets? Which US producers are best positioned to sign LNG supply contracts with international price linkages like EOG and Apache have done? And what differentiates the upstream businesses of the companies already exporting under contract?

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
    • Price response
    • Contracts, volumes, and producer interest
    • Meet the optimists
    • Pessimists see the downsides
    • An example of what’s needed
  • Strategic goals, risks and tactics
    • Metric 1: current production
    • Metric 2: unit production cost and tariff
    • Metric 3: creditworthiness and liquidity
    • Metric 4: inventory
    • Today’s pipes still need tomorrow’s buildout
    • Portfolio fit?
  • Messages for the (liquefaction) road ahead

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Summary of participation options
  • Short-term global gas spot prices
  • US LNG export capacity by project
  • Producer scorecard
  • Additional observations map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    US LNG exports: upping the upstream ante

    PDF 1.55 MB