
Tight oil in the 2020s

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Tight oil production in the 2010s surged past even the biggest bulls’ expectations. Now, the 2020s start with the financial hangover of a sector fuelled by outspend and unsustainable forecasts. Investors have fled and little trust remains. Big wells no longer impress the market. Excessive debt must be paid down. Growth is secondary to efficiency, and the number of risks keeps growing. Tight oil must adapt to this new reality to survive. Tight oil will experience seismic changes in the 2020s. Here, we highlight some of the majors shifts we expect to take place over the coming decade.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • US Lower 48 horizontal rig count

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Tight oil in the 2020s

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