
The great deepwater debate: operate or partner in US Gulf of Mexico

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Lower commodity prices and competition from tight oil drove consolidation in the US GoM over the past several years. There are almost 25% fewer companies in the deepwater than just five years ago. As a result, companies have fewer choices when selecting partners and the decision to operate or not has moved front and center. In this insight, we explore the operated and non-operated landscape and discuss the benefits and disadvantages of both. We also examine how the terrain is shifting, and what it takes to be an effective operator in the deepwater US GoM.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Peers stick together, but not always
  • Operating: the good, the bad, and the unexpected
    • The state of the US GoM
    • Heavy operators (>75% remaining commercial operated reserves)
    • Balanced (25% to 75% remaining commercial operated reserves)
    • Light operators (<25% remaining commercial operated reserves)
    • Non-operaters (no remaining commercial operated reserves)
  • Sink or swim

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Operated and partnered commercial remaining reserves*
  • Major operated fields by partner type
  • Large cap independents operated fields by partner type
  • Other operated fields by partner type
  • Operated reserves by play type
  • Operate - or not
  • Operated and partnered production growth

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    The great deepwater debate: operate or partner in US Gulf of Mexico

    PDF 1.03 MB