
Sub-Saharan Africa upstream month in brief: ExxonMobil enters Mozambique through the front door

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Lead story : ExxonMobil acquires 25% in Mozambique Area 4 from Eni for US$2.8 billion Development: Moho Nord boosts Total in Congo Brazzaville; further progress at Eni's Cape Three Points in Ghana Exploration: Eni obtained two exploration blocks in Cote d'Ivoire; Kosmos started the second phase of its Senegal and Mauritania exploration campaign Corporate : Shell exits onshore Gabon; CNOOC pre-empts Tullow farm-down in Uganda; Cobalt submits a formal notice of dispute with Sonangol; two deals signed in the Mauritania-Senegal-Gambia-Bissau-Conakry basin; Bowleven has sold an 80% interest in the Bomono PSC in Cameroon to Victoria Oil & Gas Political : South Sudanese rebels increase attacks on oil workers

Table of contents

    • Map of Mozambique LNG supply areas
  • Development
  • Exploration
  • Corporate
  • Political
  • Number of the Month
  • Recently published
  • April Outlook

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Sub-Saharan Africa upstream month in brief: ExxonMobil enters Mozambique through the front door: Image 2
  • Sub-Saharan Africa Data Dashboard
  • Sub-Saharan Africa upstream month in brief: ExxonMobil enters Mozambique through the front door: Image 4
  • Sub-Saharan Africa upstream month in brief: ExxonMobil enters Mozambique through the front door: Image 1

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Sub-Saharan Africa Upstream Data Dashboard April 2017.pdf

    PDF 110.48 KB

  • Document

    Sub-Saharan Africa upstream month in brief: ExxonMobil enters Mozambique through the front door

    PDF 1.15 MB