
Russian service sector: technology's role in keeping oil production above 10 million b/d

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

How can Russia maintain oil production above 10 million b/d until 2035? One solution lies in tapping foreign and domestic technology potential. With two-thirds of recoverable remaining ABC1 reserves defined as hard-to-recover by the Russian state, focus is shifting towards unlocking the potential of deeper, low-permeability formations out to 2035. Many technological factors could help maintain liquids production above 10 million b/d. But we think that five are key: increasing horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, replacing old drilling rigs, acquiring heavier rigs and improving completion at the hard-to-recover Bazhenov formation. Russia has the reserves, it has the strategy and it has the political support to keep oil production flat out to 2035. It just needs the right technology available at the right time to efficiently reap the rewards of its subsurface potential.

Table of contents

    • Methodology
    • Industry background
    • 1) Increasing horizontal drilling
    • 2) Doubling hydraulic fracturing operations
    • 3) Replacing and modernising old drilling rigs
    • 4) Moving towards heavier rigs for deeper horizons
    • 5) Improving completion at the Bazhenov formation
    • Russian service companies need to focus on continuous improvement

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Service sector key events since 2014
  • Evolution of service costs
  • Evolution of horizontal drilling in Russia since 2012
  • Development drilling outlook until 2035
  • Fracturing operations outlook until 2035
  • Russian rig park by age (2016)
  • Rig providers in Russia (2016)
  • Drilling rig replacement until 2035
  • Demand for drilling rigs until 2035
  • Bazhenov production forecast

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Russia service sector 2017.xls

    XLS 286.00 KB

  • Document

    Russian service sector: technology's role in keeping oil production above 10 million b/d

    PDF 469.81 KB