
Russia and Caspian upstream: 2021 in review

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2021 was a year of recovery for the upstream sector in Russia and Caspian, after the shocks of 2020. Regional liquids production came ever closer to pre-pandemic levels, as OPEC+ oil cuts ease, while Russian gas output reached a record high. The two biggest global discoveries of 2021, coupled with multi-billion-dollar M&A deals, kept Russia and Azerbaijan in the limelight. Meanwhile, the region tried to keep pace with global energy transition momentum. Both Russia and Kazakhstan revealed their long-term scenarios to achieve net zero. Powered by our Lens platform, we assess the headline stories of 2021.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Key takeaways

What's included

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  • Document

    Russia And Caspian Upstream 2021 In Review.pdf

    PDF 1.43 MB