
Q2 2018 pre-FID upstream project tracker: Mideast FIDs ramp up

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Project sanctions in H1 2018 are off to a blistering start. We have seen 24 major fields make FID by June, up from just 13 in the same period in 2017. The current growth engines are brownfield expansions largely concentrated in Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iraq, where we are seeing a greater focus on liquids developments. Major projects in Russia and Norway are almost exclusively seeking to develop onshore gas reserves.

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  • Document

    Q2 2018 pre-FID upstream project tracker_Mideast FIDs ramp up.xlsx

    XLSX 650.69 KB

  • Document

    Q2 2018 pre-FID upstream tracker_Mideast FIDs ramp up.pdf

    PDF 2.22 MB

  • Document

    Q2 2018 pre-FID upstream project tracker: Mideast FIDs ramp up

    PDF 643.18 KB