
Q1 2020 pre-FID upstream project tracker: off to a slow start

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FIDs are the lifeblood of the upstream industry. While 2019 ended on a positive note, with several projects crossing the line in the final quarter, it was no vintage year. What appeared to be a strong recovery in 2018 turned out to be a false dawn. Capital discipline also remains a priority for operators, development costs continued to fall. Trepidation has continued into 2020, with only a single project getting the nod so far. But despite commodity market headwinds, we think there is reason for optimism.

Table of contents

  • The numbers are in for 2019...
  • 2020 has started slowly...
  • ...but global LNG and Latin American deepwater will again dominate
    • Global Project Tracker

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Major projects (more than 50 mmboe reserves) sanctioned to date in 2020 by country, theme and operator

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    XLSX 178.69 KB

  • Document

    Q1 2020 pre-FID upstream project tracker.pdf

    PDF 1.24 MB