
Petroleum fiscal systems: 2018 in review

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2018 was a relatively quiet year for fiscal changes. There were no major fiscal disruptions, as we predicted at the start of the year. Many licensing rounds, with new terms, were launched throughout the year. The trend of including fiscal terms as bid items continued. This means that blocks awarded in the same round could generate very different shares of future revenue for government. Some countries took the opportunity to review fiscal terms and ownership of expiring production licences.

Table of contents

    • Fiscal disruption
    • Fiscal evolution
    • Changes to expiring production licences
    • Upstream Competitiveness Index (UCI)
    • Relevant reports
    • January
    • February
    • March
    • 9 more item(s)...

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • How did we do in 2018?
  • Significant fiscal changes in 2018
  • Fiscal disruptions: 2018 vs 2017
  • Notable changes to expiring production licences in 2018
  • Sample UCI heat map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    PDF 1.56 MB

  • Document

    Petroleum fiscal systems: 2018 in review

    PDF 1.40 MB