
Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: royalty increase in Trinidad & Tobago will hit companies' bottom line

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Fiscal disruptions in Romania and Trinidad & Tobago in February targeted royalties and may result in a value loss for investors. Changes legislated in the United States were in opposite directions: investors are to receive higher credits for future carbon sequestration while one state increased its conservation levy. These fiscal disruptions were overshadowed by other robust tax discussions. The finance minister in Norway was forced to defend the policy of tax reimbursement on exploration costs while in the United States Federal royalties look set to fall even as some states introduce legislation to increase other taxes. With more rounds launched and some robust debate this month, read our report to discover: How have the royalties changed in Trinidad and Romania? Which country may become a new exploration frontier? What debates on tax credits are happening globally? Which US states are discussing severance tax changes? What are the implications of the recent round in Indonesia?

Table of contents

  • Changes to fiscal terms: existing assets
  • Changes to fiscal terms: new licences
  • Notable developments in ongoing fiscal discussions
  • Licensing round highlights

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Fiscal disruption: Trinidad & Tobago - Gas royalty change
  • Licensing Round launches (2)
  • Licensing Rounds ongoing (30)

What's included

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    Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: royalty increase in Trinidad & Tobago will hit companies' bottom line

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