
Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: Brazil wins big pre-salt results as Romania debates gas taxes

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In our latest 'month in brief', we highlight the main Fiscal and Licensing stories that occurred in October and we provide our analysis and opinion on the developments. This issue highlights: • Changes in fiscal terms: Newfoundland and Labrador releases its confirmed new royalty regime. Romania proposes royalty terms for the 11th round. • Ongoing fiscal discussions: Australia opens discussion on bid round structure. Romania debates the gas windfall tax. Russia proposes incentives for watered fields. Trinidad & Tobago presents a gas royalty increase for concessions. Oklahoma prepares to cut severance tax breaks. • Licensing rounds: US$1.9 billion of signature bonuses and massive profit share bids in Brazil's 14th round. Lebanon closes its long awaited first offshore round.

Table of contents

  • Changes to fiscal terms: existing assets
  • Changes to fiscal terms: new licences
  • Notable developments in ongoing fiscal discussions
  • Licensing round highlights
  • Appendix

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Licensing round awards (2)
  • Licensing round launches (3)
  • Licensing rounds ongoing (31)

What's included

This report contains:

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    Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: Brazil wins big pre-salt results as Romania debates gas taxes

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