
Offshore service sector: what to look for in 2017

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As operators and the supply chain adapt to the more challenging conditions, Wood Mackenzie is positioned to support the industry with enhanced market coverage and a developing suite of upstream supply chain solutions. The team takes a look at what 2017 will hold: Further consolidation: M&A, collaboration and joint venture projects are increasingly common across the supply chain – and we expect more of the same in 2017. More FIDs: But it may be towards the end of the year before we see any major increase in associated contract awards. Drilling still in the doldrums: Exploration drilling will remain on a downwards trajectory throughout 2017, whereas development drilling should stay flat. Global vessel market demand driven by deepwater: Newbuild demand will focus on higher spec models, and deepwater will still be the main market driver. Uptick in decommissioning: The number of platforms reaching removal age will accelerate, particularly in the North Sea through to 2020.

Table of contents

  • Continued consolidation
  • FIDs waiting
  • The worst over for offshore drilling?
  • Financial uncertainty within global vessel market
  • Decommissioning

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Pre-FID projects by country, theme and operator, with commercially recoverable reserves (million boe)
  • Global deepwater well demand by Type 2011a-2020e
  • Shallow water USA DSV/ROVSV demand by sector (days)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    ofs 2017 outlook.xlsx

    XLSX 100.18 KB

  • Document

    Offshore service sector: what to look for in 2017

    PDF 399.40 KB