
Labour's UK tax plan risks wiping out North Sea investment

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The UK Labour party’s plan to increase the government share of North Sea profits has been greeted with alarm from the industry. Operators have warned investment will be reduced, or cease altogether, decommissioning could be accelerated, and energy transition projects could be put at risk. The UK has a long history of fiscal instability from governments of all political persuasion. However, are these changes proposed by Labour the final nail in the coffin for the UK's upstream industry? Labour hopes the proposed tax regime will generate an increase in reveue to support its green spending plans. But, if the industry responds as it suggests it will, there may be no revenue left to tax.

Table of contents

    • Labour’s plan lacks clarity
    • Impact of Labour's latest proposals
    • What's at risk
    • UK vs Norway
    • Energy transition implications

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Top 20 UK producers: UK versus global production
  • Share of remaining pre-tax NPV10: all UK North Sea assets
  • Share of remaining pre-tax NPV10: UK undeveloped assets
  • Share of pre-tax cash flow 2025-2029: company with 40% capital reinvestment
  • Changes in UK oil & gas marginal tax rates since 2000
  • UK and Norway net oil and gas export and import, 2024
  • 2024 power supply

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Labour's UK tax plan risks wiping out North Sea investment

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