
Europe upstream week in brief: The world's largest spar substructure heads for Norway

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

This is our NEW Week in Brief. We give you quick, responsive opinion and analysis on all that's going on in European oil and gas, from Norway's largest deepwater development Aasta Hansteen, to first production from the Ravn field in Denmark and all the latest production news from across Europe.

Table of contents

  • Key events this week
    • The world's largest spar departs South Korea for Norway's Aasta Hansteen in the Norwegian Sea
    • M&A
      • Delek Group gains enough shareholder acceptances to proceed with Ithaca Energy takeover
    • Exploration
      • Ireland announces 3D multi-client seismic in Southern Porcupine
    • Production
      • Production at Groningen to be lowered again
      • Impact of the cap on Groningen production
      • Italy's Val d'Agri field is shut in for second time
      • Wintershall achieves first Danish production at Ravn
      • Fact of the Week
      • Upcoming Event - North Sea Breakfast Briefings
      • Meet our analysts
      • Vital statistics

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Europe upstream week in brief: The world's largest spar substructure heads for Norway: Image 1
  • Likely route for Dockwise Vanguard and its massive cargo
  • Europe upstream week in brief: The world's largest spar substructure heads for Norway: Image 3
  • Potential for Greater Ravn Area
  • Europe upstream week in brief: The world's largest spar substructure heads for Norway: Image 5
  • Europe upstream week in brief: The world's largest spar substructure heads for Norway: Image 6
  • Offshore proposed wells 2017
  • Exploration and appraisal wells spud to date
  • Offshore drilling wells

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Report Data.xlsx

    XLSX 202.85 KB

  • Document

    Europe upstream week in brief: The world's largest spar substructure heads for Norway

    PDF 2.96 MB