
Europe upstream week in brief: deals are brewing in the North Sea

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Welcome to the Europe upstream week in brief where we bring you quick, responsive opinion and analysis on all that's going on in European oil and gas. This week: Dealhunter reviews potential M&A activity in the North Sea following our upstream briefings in Oslo, Stavanger and Aberdeen. Also, we update on the results of the UK's 30th licensing round awards; look at the portfolio of RockRose Energy as it enters the Netherlands via the Dyas acquisition, report on a potentially company making well for Europa Oil and Gas as they prepare to drill offshore Ireland and reflect on Croatia's 1st Licensing Round as the government prepares to launch the 2nd.

Table of contents

    • Deals are brewingin the North Sea
    • 300 million barrels in the hopper after UK licensing round
    • RockRose enters the Netherlands with Dyas acquisition
    • Europa Oil and Gas lines up exploration near Corrib
    • Will new companies enter Croatian upstream in 2nd Licensing Round?
  • Meet our team
  • Our latest insights, podcasts and webinars:
  • Vital Statistics

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Offshore proposed wells
  • Offshore wells currently drilling by type and company
  • E&A spuds to date in 2018
  • Discovered resource acquired in the UK 30th Offshore Licensing Round
  • UK 30th Licensing Round
  • RockRose production forecast
  • Fact of the week

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Interactive Download 29_05_2018.xlsx

    XLSX 236.54 KB

  • Document

    Europe upstream week in brief: deals are brewing in the North Sea

    PDF 3.11 MB