Dorotea Area
*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below
Report summary
Table of contents
- Key facts
Summary and key issues
- Summary
Key issues
- Declining fields
- Location maps
- Participation
- Llanos basin
- Well data
- Exploration
- Production
- Development
- Infrastructure
- Costs
- Sales contracts
- 3 more item(s)...
Tables and charts
This report includes the following images and tables:
- Key facts: Table 1
- Index Map
- Detail Map
- Participation: Table 1
- Well data: Table 1
- Production: Table 1
- Production: Table 2
- Production Profile
- Costs: Table 1
- Costs: Table 2
- Costs: Table 3
- Cash flow
- 5 more item(s)...
What's included
This report contains:
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