
Digitalisation in upstream: show me the money

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

US$75Bn. That’s the cost saving prize on offer from digitalisation in upstream over the next five years. But how close is industry to achieving this? In our first insight on digitalisation, we identified that up to US$150bn in operating cost savings could be achieved across all of the Energy and Natural Resources sectors from digitalisation. For upstream alone, we believe there are huge prizes on offer at every stage of the E&P lifecycle. This insight drills down into digitalisation in the upstream sector, identifying where and how the technologies will impact.

Table of contents

    • What's new?
    • Digitalisationin practice
    • Exploration and appraisal
    • Size of the prize:
    • Drilling and completion
    • Offshore
    • Size of the prize:
    • Unconventionals
    • 9 more item(s)...

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Digitalisation in the E&P lifecycle
  • Potential gains in the exploration phase
  • L48 decline rate management using smart production system
  • Potential NPV gains in L48

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Digitalisation in upstream: show me the money

    PDF 1.03 MB