
Deepwater GoM: 5 things to look for in 2018

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In the last three years, deepwater Gulf of Mexico has been punched in the gut and clawed its way back to being competitive. Some have lost interest and moved on while others have held fast, battened down the hatches and set a new standard for operational efficiency. As costs settle at a bottom and operators sharpen to near-term peak efficiency in 2018, deepwater GoM will remain conservative, calm and collected. This year will be very forward looking, putting pieces in place for longer term resurgence in 2019 and beyond.

Table of contents

  • Record production-for now
  • Exploration activity flat but higher success rates
  • Costs settle at the bottom
  • Technology gains momentum
  • Positioning for a comeback in 2019 through policy change

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Deepwater GoM oil and gas production
  • Exploration wells by operator
  • Rigs to watch in 2018
  • Government share of a 200-mmbbl deepwater field at US$60/bbl
  • Fiscal term analysis
  • 2017 prediction scorecard

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Deepwater GoM: 5 things to look for in 2018

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