
Corporate week in brief: Independents eye up a new wave of Australasian LNG

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Lead stories: Independents highlight new LNG growth options in Australia and PNG; improved financial performance expected as Q1 2017 results season gets into full flow. Macro: over-supply fears send WTI down below US$50/bbl; oil and gas shares heavily sold off. Companies: California Resources strikes deleveraging deal. Exploration: Apache’s unsuccessful wildcat in Suriname – what does it mean for the Guyana Basin?

Table of contents

  • Macro: Brent; oil and gas shares
  • Lead stories: latest on Australian LNG; Q1 2017 results preview
  • Companies: California Resources
  • Exploration: Apache

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Corporate dashboard

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Corporate Dashboard - 24 April 2017.pdf

    PDF 859.34 KB

  • Document

    Corporate week in brief: Independents eye up a new wave of Australasian LNG

    PDF 492.42 KB